What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

 A car accident lawyer helps victims build personal injury claims and seek compensation for the damages other drivers cause. Car accidents can result in significant injuries that can take years to heal, and in many cases, the victims never fully recover.

If you have been hurt in an accident and you were not at fault, a car accident lawyer can help you build your case and file for compensation in a timely manner. The team at John Foy & Associates can begin building your case with a free consultation.

What a Car Accident Lawyer Can Do for Your Case

The main goal of a car accident lawyer is getting you financial compensation to cover your expenses like:

  • Medical bills
  • Vehicle repair or replacement
  • Lost wages
  • Permanent disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium

Car accident lawyers are personal injury lawyers who specialize in tort law surrounding car accidents. There are a number of ways they can help you pursue the fullest compensation possible.

Here are some of the main things an auto accident lawyer does when working with an injured driver.

Helps You Understand Your Rights

Most people are not well-versed in personal injury laws regarding car accidents. Because of this, when an accident does happen, it’s completely understandable if you don’t know what your full rights are.

If you were not at fault for the car accident, you should not have to pay for damages resulting from it. The laws around car accident injuries vary per state. In Georgia, the at-fault party in any injury accident is liable for all damages, and the injured party can seek compensation for their damages, per OCGA § 51-1-6.

Your lawyer can go through all relevant laws that apply to your case. They’ll help you understand what your rights are and how you can legally protect yourself. Insurance companies are skilled at making you think you have little choice in how your case goes. However, you likely have more power than you realize.

Offers Legal Advice

After you get in an accident, you might get a lot of differing advice. Maybe you look online and see an article saying one thing. Then, you talk to a friend or family member, and they give you their opinion on what you should do. It can get confusing quickly and leave you wondering how to best approach your case. 

Turning to a car accident injury lawyer is often the best place to start. Car accident lawyers know what should happen after a car accident. They have spent years of schooling, training, and hands-on experience with car accident claims. They can look at the details of your case and give you the best advice on how to seek the full financial recovery you need.

Find an experienced car accident lawyer if you want to have the best chance at a successful car accident case.

Negotiates for a Fair Settlement

A lot of work and investigation goes into a successful car accident claim. An accident attorney does a lot behind the scenes to build a strong case for you and fight for your rights. They can help you:

  • Investigate the details of your accident
  • Gather all relevant information, including pictures, police reports, witness statements, and proof of damages
  • Build and file a personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company
  • Negotiate for a fair settlement if the insurance company tries to lowball you
  • File a lawsuit if the insurance company refuses to negotiate
  • Handle every step of the pretrial process
  • Represent you in court with the goal of recovering full compensation for you

Represents You in Court

Thankfully, most car accident cases are resolved well before they need to go to court. Insurance companies are more likely to offer a fair settlement to a plaintiff who has an accident lawyer. Even if you end up filing a lawsuit, it’s likely your lawyer will reach an agreement with the insurer before the trial.

However, if you do end up going to court, a car accident lawyer will be by your side through the entire ordeal. They will fight ruthlessly for your right to compensation. Experienced lawyers are not afraid of insurance companies and their tactics. They will be ready for whatever the insurer brings to the table.
